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Have We Missed It?

Friday, June 13, 2008

Tonight I went to my first concert since I moved to St Louis. It was downtown near the loop and I have to say I really like the area. It's a neat little nook where all the hippies chill. There are cool clothing stores, vinyl record stores (yes I know what those are), and there are some colorful characters down there. I really like the area, although it isn't very safe. But none of this is the point.

I saw Iron and Wine in concert (A BIG thank you to the Copelands for the free ticket and ride down there) and I really like their music. I couldn't make out the lyrics real well, but their music was off the hook! (90's catch phrase brought to you by VH1's Pop-Up video) Their melodies were insane, they blended an eclectic array of musical instruments, and they had this stage presence that was very unique. The lead singer is a very quiet man. He speaks very little and I like that. The transitions between songs were flawless and the drummer was amazing! (why is it that all the really awesome drummers seem to be black. We white people need to learn) Even the opening band was good! I was just really impressed.

I say all that to say this: I think the Christian community has missed out on a really cool style of music. Someone sitting near me said: "If your church had this style of music then I'd be there every Sunday!" He went on to say that most worship music is very dull and outdated. I laughed and agreed with him and then began a pretty cool discussion on some of my favorite worship bands and how they are different from mainstream worship stuff. Unfortunately, I can't say that my style of worship is any different from the "mainstream" stuff. I've become content with boring chord progressions and bland melodies. I feel like I've not done what I've wanted to do all along, that is buck the system. Change the way people see and hear worship music. I've stayed where I've become comfortable. This style of music was really cool and added something of an eclectic feel to the whole concert. Steel drums, percussion that was abnormal, guitar lines that were out of the box. It was just.... fresh. I think I am going to work on that.

I wonder how people at church would feel if I did something very very very different from what they have known. I mean I am already pulling them out of their comfort zone with the music I am using now. I just want to do more. Bring something fresh so that when new comers enter the building they realize we aren't like the other churches in town. We have something fresh! For me, it all starts with finding more band members. Right now I am hunting down musicians. I am posting flyers in music stores and on college campuses. I am trying to bring people in. My first priority is to find some really good electric players. Next, I think I am going to look for someone who is pretty good on the turn tables. After that, I think I am going to stretch even further. Who knows what that will look like, but I'm going to give it a shot! Maybe in ten years people will look back on what I have done and think to themselves "Geoff did something in worship that I've never seen before!" Maybe I'll change how worship is done.

This night really inspired me! Thanks again to the Copeland's! You have challenged me as a worship pastor. You have opened my eyes to something I never thought a 40's something couple could. Now it's off to brainstorm and dream!!