Welcome to our site

welcome text --- Nam sed nisl justo. Duis ornare nulla at lectus varius sodales quis non eros. Proin sollicitudin tincidunt augue eu pharetra. Nulla nec magna mi, eget volutpat augue. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Integer tincidunt iaculis risus, non placerat arcu molestie in.

Here's to sharing

Saturday, January 5, 2008

I started this blog to dialogue with others that are involved with worship. Those who lead, sing, oversee or just participate in worship in some fashion. There are questions I have, answers I've sought and general discussion topics that I think are worth tackling. The first question I pose is:

What makes worship relevant? Is the style, the leader, songs, instruments, mindset of congregation, or something else?

When you post on here give some information about yourself so that we can understand your perspective better.
